What is Data Center?
Data center is a dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings used to house computer systems and/or application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The function of this building is to; store, analyze and examine the data, which contribute to the modern technologies of; Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Deep learning and Data mining. Our team is able to create value from these technologies and generates in stable revenue out of them.
Why Enroll in Datamining?
Energco has large portfolio of successful projects in the world and can handle every aspect of your crypto mining investment, equipment production, site construction, management, operations and maintenance. We are one of the few companies providing fully turn-key services.
Excellent track record
Since 2019 ENERGCO operating Digital mining sites and creating a profit. Our team of experts passed many bearish and bullish markets with a lot of practical experiences.
Energco can provide full support to its investors in exiting from the project (e.g. assisting in partial or full selling of deployed equipment to investors or helping with selling compute power in a form of cloud mining contracts to other investor.

Profit distribution
Minimum asset value : 50,000 USD
Evaluation of the portfolio Each two months
Management percentage: %25
Machine renewal percentage %25
Exepceted Return on investment Yearly average %30
Digital Asset under management BTC,ETC,ZEC,ZEN… etc.
Equipments renewal
Devices owner
Last News About Us

USA: Tech Park
Unit A885 Casper, WY 82601
Estonia: Technology Energy Mining
Tallinn 10117, Estonia
TURKIYE: Blockchain ENERGCO Consultation
Metro 34/ Istanbul/Turkey

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